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Liitokala Engineer Lii-500 4-Slot LCD Smart Universal Battery Tester Charger
সাজেস্টেড প্রাইস :
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- Original Liitokala Product
- 12V/3A Recommended, Adapter is not Included, Needs to Buy Separately
- Made in China
সম্ভাব্য ডেলিভারি স্টার্টিং ডেটঃ 12/12/2024
Reviews 0
Liitokala Engineer Lii-500 4-Slot LCD Smart Universal Battery Tester Charger Price in Bangladesh
The Liitokala Engineer Lii-500 is a versatile and highly efficient 4-slot smart battery charger and tester designed for a wide range of rechargeable batteries. Its advanced features make it popular among hobbyists, professionals, and anyone requiring reliable battery maintenance and monitoring. Below is an overview of its features and functionality
Features :
- Wide Battery Compatibility:
- Supports a variety of battery types, including Ni-MH, Ni-CD, and Li-ion batteries.
- Compatible with sizes like 18650, 26650, 14500, 16340, AA, and AAA, among others.
- Four Independent Slots:
- Each slot operates independently, allowing you to charge or test different types and sizes of batteries simultaneously.
- LCD Display:
- The charger features a clear LCD screen that shows real-time information, including voltage, current, capacity, resistance, and elapsed charging time.
- Multiple Modes:
- Charge Mode: Charges batteries efficiently and safely.
- Fast Test Mode: Quickly checks the battery capacity.
- Nor Test Mode: Performs a full charge-discharge cycle to determine the actual battery capacity.
- Storage Mode: Prepares batteries for long-term storage by optimizing their charge level.
- Adjustable Charging Current:
- Offers options to charge batteries at 300mA, 500mA, 700mA, and 1000mA, catering to various battery specifications and user needs.
- Safety Features:
- Equipped with overcharge, over-discharge, short circuit, and reverse polarity protection.
- Temperature monitoring to prevent overheating during charging.
- USB Power Output:
- The device doubles as a power bank when loaded with charged batteries, featuring a USB output port for powering other devices.
Speciation :
- Input Voltage: DC 12V/2A
- Battery Types Supported: Ni-MH, Ni-CD, Li-ion
- Supported Battery Sizes: 18650, 26650, 14500, 16340, AA, AAA, and more
- Charging Current Options: 300mA, 500mA, 700mA, 1000mA
- Discharge Current: 250mA
- USB Output Voltage: 5V
- USB Output Current: 1000mA
- LCD Display Information: Voltage, current, capacity, resistance, charging time
- Modes: Charge, Fast Test, Nor Test, Storage
- Safety Features: Overcharge, over-discharge, short circuit, reverse polarity protection, temperature monitoring
- Dimensions: 162mm x 96mm x 36mm
- Weight: ~350g
Benefits :
- Precise Testing: Helps users determine battery health and capacity for better performance and longer life.
- Versatile Usage: Ideal for flashlights, cameras, RC toys, and other battery-powered devices.
- Cost-Effective: Prolongs battery lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
- User-Friendly Interface: Simple controls and a detailed display make it easy to use, even for beginners.
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SKU: Lii-500
Category: A-Z: All Products
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