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Ulanzi MT17 Mini Tripod With 360° Rotatable Ball Head For Phone Camera DSLR
সাজেস্টেড প্রাইস :
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- 6 Months Warranty
- Made in China
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Ulanzi MT-17 Mini Tripod with 360° Rotatable Ball Head For Phone Camera DSLR In Bangladesh
Introducing the Ulanzi MT17 Tabletop Tripod, now available in Bangladesh at BDSHOP.COM! This handy tripod is perfect for taking photos and videos with your DSLR camera or smartphone and comes with a universal mount to securely hold your device. With expandable legs and a 360-degree swivel head, you’ll be able to capture memories from any angle. The tripod is also lightweight and compact, making it easy to transport wherever you go. So whether you’re a professional photographer or just starting out, the Ulanzi MT17 TabletopTripod is a great choice for capturing those special moments. Order yours today and start shooting like a pro!
Ulanzi MT17 Tripod is available in Bangladesh. Get the original products at the most affordable price only at BDSHOP.COM and enjoy the quality with the promise of the best customer service in Bangladesh.
The MT-17 Mini Tabletop Tripod with Push Button Control Ball Head from Ulanzi is a compact and versatile tabletop tripod suitable for use with cameras, smartphones, and other devices weighing up to 3.3 lb. It features a ball head with push-button control for quick adjustment and easy operation and a 1/4″-20 accessory mounting socket to attach an accessory arm, microphone, or more. The two-position adjustable legs provide a maximum height of 6″ and a minimum height of 4.3″, or they may be closed to form a grip handle for increased handheld stability when weblogging. The compact form factor and versatility are well suited for tabletop use, videoconferencing, and creating online video content.
Benefit Of Ulanzi MT17 Tripod
- Take photos and videos with ease
- Mount your device securely
- Capture memories that will last a lifetime
- Feel like a professional photographer
- You can take pictures and videos with your professional camera equipment anywhere you go
- The tripod is lightweight and compact, making it easy to transport
- The foot grips provide enhanced stability in difficult terrain
- Capture memories that will last a lifetime
- Never miss a shot because of unstable equipment again
- Take great photos and videos with your professional camera equipment, without worrying about stability
- Compact and lightweight for easy transport – take it with you wherever you go
- Holds devices weighing up to 1.5 kg, so you can use your heaviest gear with ease
- Capture memories that will last a lifetime, without having to compromise on quality or stability
- Feel confident taking photos and videos in any situation, knowing that your equipment is safe and secure.
- Brand: Ulanzi
- Model: MT-17
- Maximum Height: 6″
- Minimum Height: 4.3″
- Leg Sections: 1
- Removable Ball Head
- Ball Head Push-Button Control Design
- Ball Head 1/4″-20 Accessory Socket
- Maximum Load Capacity: 1.5kg
- Weight: 145gram
- Material: plastic, TPR
Are you looking for a versatile and reliable tripod for your DSLR camera or smartphone? Look no further than the Ulanzi MT17 Tabletop mini Tripod! This handy tripod is perfect for taking photos and videos on the go, and it’s small enough to take with you wherever you go. With its solid construction and easy-to-use features, the Ulanzi MT17 is perfect for amateurs and professionals alike. Capture memories that will last a lifetime with this versatile and reliable tripod!
- Versatile: Works with cameras, flashes, speakers, video lights, or any device weighing less than 1.5 kg with a built-in.
- ¼” tripod mount (detachable): works with smartphones, and tablets with a foldable mount on the top.
- Portable: Compact & lightweight for easy transport in a pocket, handbag, or backpack
- Strong: Holds devices weighing up to 1.5 kg
- Stable: Handy foot grips provide enhanced stability in difficult terrain.
This Ulanzi MT17 tabletop Tripod is perfect for DSLR cameras and smartphones! Its wrappable legs allow you to secure professional camera equipment to virtually any surface, while the foot grips provide enhanced stability in difficult terrain. Compact and lightweight for easy transport, this tripod is a must-have for photographers and videographers on the go!
This tripod is perfect for cameras, flashes, speakers, video lights, and more! The wrappable legs allow you to secure professional camera equipment to virtually any surface while the foot grips provide enhanced stability in difficult terrain. The tripod is compact and lightweight for easy transport in a pocket, handbag, or backpack and holds devices weighing up to 1.5 kg.
WORKS WITH SMARTPHONES – Works with smartphones, and tablets with a foldable mount on the top
What is in the box?
- 1 x Ulanzi tabletop Tripod
- 1 x User Manual.
DSLR Camera, Smartphone, or other gears shown in the pictures are only for reference. Those items are NOT included. We recommend using DSLR Camera without a Ball head.
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SKU: 1012830
Categories: A-Z: All Products, Vlogging Tripod
Tag: Vlogging Tripod
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